“It’s every Gemini’s worst nightmare”, said a particularly double-sided resident of Goel, “you go to the doctor, and you ask them about a new study that came out, and they say that you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet. All I wanted to know was the 12 signs of the zodiac, but he just listed off five, then sat down on the ground and refused to move.”

Luckly this publication is here to help


As soon as they walk out of doctor’s school, every doctor has to take their solemn body-magician’s oath: “First, do no harm. Second, this is the last time you get to say Virgo”

Year of The Chicken

This one is self-explanatory.


I’m a Libra, and my meat-sack-shaman has yet to whisper the word sweetly in my ear, so I assume no doctor will.


Doctors are fancy folk who prefer long words, so they always say the much longer “lion” instead of “Leo”
